Youtube那些寥寥可數的動畫片段被我不厭其煩看了又看,病態般被Russell同一個表情逗笑了一次又一次…… Disney’s Pixar大小通吃的溫情怎么說也算見識不少,卻還是讓電影牽動情感哭了又笑了。
“It might sound boring. But it’s the boring stuff that I remember the most.” 8歲的Russell說起父親經常不在家,他只記得跟父親一起相處吃雪糕的情景。他無法具體形容掛念的滋味,卻突然冒出這樣一句蘊含大智慧的童言讓人聽了看了心都軟了。
延伸: 《飞屋环游记》孤独者的飞行故事
i can help you cross your yard~
我也是在戲院哭了又笑 =)
this is the best animation of the year
Good Afternoon. My name is Russell… and I am a wilderness explorer in Tribe 54, with large 12.
Are you in need of any assistance today, sir?
that's my fav scene ^^ russell is so adorable.
i get touched by these words too
“It might sound boring. But it’s the boring stuff that I remember the most.”
my colleague also said the movie is very touching. can't wait to watch liao...
btw, tis pic of russell is so damn cute!
“It might sound boring. But it’s the boring stuff that I remember the most.”
this is mine too!!!! in another way, we can say that "maybe it doesnt mean anything to u, but for me it's one of the precious things in my life"
uhuhh. =D
oh yeah and the cloudy short animation in the beginning oso super nice!!! T__T
wahahhaha, i like it too fuu!!!
the thunder fish thingy~ laugh die me
iam so gonna watch it for 2nd time in the theatre! 2D this time, the 3D effect sucks...
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